Preparing for a Dream, Road Trip

Taking A Look At The Benefits Of Paintless Dent Repair For Your Vehicle

The investment you have in your vehicle is certainly worth the time to care for it. When you take the time to care for your car, you may find a dent in it an aggravation because it interrupts the perfection you work so hard to maintain. You may spend time and money washing and waxing your car on a regular basis to keep its paint shining and looking like new. In the event someone's grocery cart rolls back and hits your car in a parking lot or another car bumps into you while trying to back out of a parking space, you may find the dent left behind looks bad and can be the start of rust and corrosion. Check out the benefits of paintless dent repair for your car.

Easier To Keep The Same Factory Color

When your car's dents are repaired using traditional techniques, you may find the paint in the area of repair is slightly different than the color your car came with from the factory. Matching up the paint can be challenging, even if the auto repair shop you choose orders the paint directly from the car's manufacturer. Paintless dent repair does involve repainting and utilizes the paint still on your car when repairing a dent. Traditional techniques require a collision expert to fill in the dent with bonding material, sanding it down and then repainting. The specialized tools used by paintless dent repair professionals do not require the use of bonding material, so repainting is never necessary, meaning you never have color differences in your car's paint.

Paintless Dent Repairs Take Less Time

Traditional dent repairs can take a lot longer to finish than repairs made using paintless techniques. When you leave your car to undergo traditional dent repairs, you will have to wait for the area of the dent to be sanded and then filled with bonding material. Bonding material can take a while to cure and set so that it can be sanded. Once bonding material is cured and set, auto repair techs will then need to sand and smooth out the bonding material. Primer will need to be applied and it will need to cure as well. Once the primer is ready, techs will start painting the area. Paintless dent repair takes a lot less time to complete.

Getting your car back as soon as possible after its dent repairs are finished can mean the difference in you having a way to work or school without the cost of a rental car. Paintless dent repair can be longer lasting than traditional repairs made using bonding material as well. If you are tired of looking at the dent in your car's otherwise perfect paint job, contact paintless dent repair experts, such as Select Collision Group.
